Government-mandated housing targets could see an additional 300 homes being built in Brightlingsea over the next 16 years.
Government-mandated housing targets could see an additional 300 homes being built in Brightlingsea over the next 16 years.
Hundreds of motorists heading in and out of Brightlingsea faced long delays thanks to roadworks near the Thorrington roundabout.
As the Sainsbury’s store in Brightlingsea heads for completion, planners have been asked to approve new signage on the Samsons Road store.
A new online service for unpaid carers has launched with aims including reducing their burden and reducing isolation.
Most Essex children will be going to the secondary school of their parents’ choice in the 2025-26 academic year.
Graduates looking to study further might be interested in a postgraduate open evening being held by The University of Essex.
The councillor who was in line to become Brightlingsea’s next mayor has said he won’t accept the nomination after being reported for a code of conduct breach.
Residents opposed to the development of a holiday park in Brightlingsea say there’s “a good argument” for the plans to be revisited – and have launched a crowdfunding campaign to pay for legal help and an ecology survey.
The pod housing the Co-op Travel branch in the former Fiveways car park currently has no planning permission.
Discussions are taking place about the possibility of a car park being sited on the sports field at Strangers Corner – which could alleviate inconsiderate parking in the area.