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All Brightlingsea care home residents should be vaccinated this week

All care home residents in Brightlingsea and North East Essex should be vaccinated by Sunday, according to the North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group – NEECCG.

Brightlingsea Info understands that residents at the Stronvar Rest Home at Strangers Corner have already been vaccinated, with Oaklands Care Home on Church Road  and The Cottage Residential Care Home in the High Street due to receive jabs by the end of the week.

Meanwhile, vaccinations for other residents aged 80 and over have been continuing with most being called to the St Helena centre in Jackson Road, Clacton. According to the Colne Medical Centre, the total number of over 80s who are not housebound and are eligible for the vaccine in Brightlingsea is 716. As of January 19, 294 patients had booked in for the vaccination, 100 patients had not responded to an invitation and 322 patients are being contacted manually by the central administration team who will make the booking for them.

An NEECCG spokesman said that the pace of vaccinations in the area should step up on news that a new mass vaccination centre will be opening at the Colchester United football ground, probably in early February, though it’s not known if the centre will deal with people from Brightlingsea.

• Over the last few days, positive Covid-19 cases in Brightlingsea and the Tendring District have declined. Over the seven days to January 13, there were 68 positive cases in Brightlingsea, compared with 81 in the week to January 11. Positive cases per 100,000 were down to 768 from 960 the week before, though deaths across Tendring rose by 31 to 59, and hospital admissions across the East Suffolk and North Essex region were up over 55% to 367 in the week to January 10.

Vaccinations – your questions answered

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