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Is your visit essential, Brightlingsea Town Council asks would-be visitors

Examples of the signage the council is planning to place around Brightlingsea

Brightlingsea Town Council is asking people not to come to the town unless their visit is essential as Covid-19 infection rates in the district increase rapidly.

With Tendring district now recording one of the fastest-growing infection rates in the county, the council plans to place banners and notices around the town asking people if their visit is essential, and urging residents to stick to government guidelines. Banners will be placed at the entrance to the town by All Saints’ Church, opposite the Museum in Station Road, and on benches and on notice boards along the Promenade. A leaflet will also be produced to reinforce the message and provide the latest facts and figures for the Tendring area.

In a statement, the council said: “Brightlingsea Town Council taking immediate action to discourage the risk of visitors from bringing the virus to our town and to encourage residents not to venture out unless absolutely essential. While we appreciate the difficulties people who do follow the guidelines are experiencing, our single aim is to protect the community.”

In the seven days to January 11, 1,716 people tested positive in the Tendring district, including 81 in the Brightlingsea area – equivalent to 1281 per 100,000 population. “We hope this action will encourage everyone to protect themselves by keeping two-plus metres apart, staying at home, protecting the NHS and, by doing so, saving local lives,” said the council.

Town mayor Graham Steady added: “Over the years our community has been very resilient in reacting to various issues good and bad. In taking the action outlined above we are confident that we will come through the current pandemic as a united community.”

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