The Colne Medical Centre has announced new procedures for administering flu vaccinations during what it describes as “a very challenging year”.
The new procedures listed below do not apply to patients aged 50-64 – who have been included in the national vaccine programme for free for the first time this year – who will be offered vaccination later in the year.
Patients are instructed not to contact the surgery until they have been contacted by text message, email or phone for an invitation to book a vaccination. High risk patients will be given priority and all vaccinations must be booked in advance.
Working in partnership with Brightlingsea Town Council, flu vaccinations will take place at the Parish Hall, Victoria Place on Saturday 26th September and Saturday 3rd October flu between 8.30am and 6.30pm. During these times parking charges in Victoria Place car park will be suspended.
On Sunday 25th October a clinic will run at the practice in Brightlingsea between 8.00am and 2.00pm.
Housebound residents can arrange for the vaccine to be given at home.
The centre has issued the following instructions for those being vaccinated:
- Attend on your own unless you need help mobilising.
- Walk to the clinic if at all possible.
- Do not arrive early or late for your appointment time, we have allocated a strict number of patients per period to ensure that people are queuing for the minimum of time and social distancing is maintained.
- If it is raining on the day please come prepared with an umbrella as the queue will be outside for a period of time.
- You must wear a mask or face covering unless medically exempt. Please be prepared to show evidence of this.
- Your temperature will be taken on arrival; hand sanitiser will also be available.
- There will be no chairs available to sit while waiting and you will not be able to sit whilst having the vaccination (for infection control). If you think you will struggle with this please speak to the queue marshal on arrival.
- Wear clothing which makes it easy to expose your upper arm.
- Please heed the instructions of the staff who are supervising the patient flow- they are there for your safety.
If patients cannot make If you do not wish to have the vaccination this year please contact reception so that they can remove you from the programme.
If patients cannot attend a booked appointment they are asked to contact the surgery as soon as possible, and they may have to have a vaccination later in the year. Those not wishing to have a vaccination should let the surgery know and they will be removed from the programme.