Brightlingsea Regatta Association Committee has announced that there will be a regatta in the town this summer – provided it’s allowed under COVID-19 regulations operating at the time.
The event – which was cancelled in 2020 – is planned for the weekend of July 10 & 11. Brightlingsea Sailing Club and the Colne Yacht Club have confirmed their intention to run on-water activities for their members and, where possible, visitors and discussions are taking place about the level and viability of shoreside activities – including the popular fireworks display.
In a statement on its website, the association said: “The committee appreciates the important role the regatta plays in the social and commercial life of the town and it is for this reason that it is essential to proceed with caution. The focus is on maintaining the historic tradition of an annual regatta in Brightlingsea whilst at the same time ensuring the event can be run safely and to the benefit of the entire community. Over the coming weeks the committee will be keeping a close watch on the guidance being issued by the government and will consult with the various organisations and statutory bodies whose support and permissions are required to run the regatta safely.”
There will be an online regatta AGM at 6pm on Tuesday April 13, which anyone interested in joining the committee or contributing to the organisation of the event is welcome to attend. Details of the online meeting will be announced nearer time, but anyone interested in helping the committee or wanting to find out more shoudl email the regatta chair, Alice Davies on [email protected].
A further update regarding exactly what activities it will be possible for us to provide and support at the 2021 regatta will be made by late April/early May so please check back for updates.