Brightlingsea WinterFest raised nearly £10,500 during its arts, music, spoken word and literary events in February – a record amount.
The money will be divided between Mid and North East Essex Mind and the WinterFest Wellbing Fund, with the bulk going to the local fund that provides individuals or families with up to £100 – and £200 for local groups – to pay for items or activities to promote physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Other organisations may benefit depending on decisions taken at a meeting of the WinterFest organising team in May.
Funds were boosted by a sponsored winter swimming challenge completed by Sthiranaga Barrenger, which raised over £2,200, and Colne Delta Blues & Americana Club donation of £1,020 from a concert featuring local duo When Rivers Meet.
Events organised by local writers’ group Brightwords also contributed to the total.
The Fund will by open for applications shortly. More details, and an application form, can be found on the WinterFest website.