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Ladysmith Avenue house extension plan “intrusive”, planners decide

Looking up Spring Road towards the site of the proposes garage and annex
Staff Reporter

A plan to build a combined garage, residential annex and offices in the grounds of a house on Ladysmith Avenue, Brightlingsea, has been refused by Tendring District Council.

The proposal at number 70 would have involved demolishing a garage that fronts onto Spring Road, and the construction of a two-storey extension with a new access door.

Objections were received from Brightlingsea Town Council and two neighbours who were concerned that the construction could be used as a separate dwelling.

They added that it was to close to the boundary and that it would be out of keeping with the surrounding area, reduce privacy and outlook for adjacent homes, and lose parking spaces.

Planners said that although the applicants had reduced the height and footprint of the building in revised plans, and adapted the finish to better match the existing house, “the overall size, siting and design of the building would still appear as a prominent and intrusive feature within Spring Road which would result in a detrimental impact to the character/ appearance of the local area”.

Other planning applications considered by TDC:

Proposed demolition of existing clubhouse, shed/toilet block building and erection of new outdoor sports facility building. – Brightlingsea Cricket Club Regent Road Brightlingsea Essex CO7 0NL
Decision: Approved

Subdivision of existing first floor three bedroom flat to form 2no. one bedroom flats. – 34 Queen Street Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0PH
Decision: Approved

Proposed front canopy over garage and front door, and cladding to rendered areas. – 59 Lower Park Road Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0JX
Decision: Approved

Proposed rear single storey extension. – 41 Elm Drive Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0LA
Decision: Approved

Changing the external facing material to the side and rear walls to the rear extension from facing brickwork to horizontal boarded cladding to match existing. – 41 Elm Drive Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0LA
Non Material Change: Approved

Proposed single storey side extension to form porch and utility areas. – 8 Whitegate Road Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0ES
Decision: Approved

Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act for Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of application 22/00986/FUL to enable construction of two permanent wheelchair access ramps. – Bright Shedders Men’s Shed Lower Park Playing Field Lower Park Road Brightlingsea Essex CO7 0JX
Decision: Approved

Prior Approval Application under Part 1, Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for single storey rear flat roof extension (Depth 4.5m, maximum eaves height 3m and overall height 3m). – 20 Elm Drive Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0LA

Single storey wrap-around extension, loft conversion with rear dormer. – 48 Planton Way Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0LB
Decision: Approved

Retention of detached summerhouse, swimming pool, and garage doors on previously approved cart lodge. – Jackdaw Folkards Lane Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0SP
Decision: Approved

Construction of timber storage building for storage of kayaks, canoes, dinghies and for site maintenance equipment. – The Little Boatyard Lime Street Brightlingsea Essex CO7 0BH
Decision: Approved

Notification under Schedule 2, Part 16 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) to swap 3 no. antennas and add 3 no. new antennas, remove 1 no. cabinet and replace with 2 no. new cabinets together with all associated ancillary works. – Telephone Mast Site 68249 Brightlingsea United Football Club North Road Brightlingsea Essex CO7 0PL
Status: Deemed Consent

Alterations to roof to include rear dormer and front roof light for loft conversion. – 1 Samsons Road Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0RW
Status: Pending Consideration

Proposed upgrade to the existing 15.0m High Monopole. Installation of 3No. Antennas, 1No. GPS Node and 1No. Cabinet. Existing central spine to be removed and replaced with Crows Nest Headframe. Existing 3No. Antennas to be relocated. Existing 3No. Antennas to be removed. Existing 1No. Cabinet to be removed and associated ancillary works for full details please refer to the enclosed drawings. – Brightlingsea Lower Park Road TPS Lower Park Road Brightlingsea Essex CO7 0LW
Status: Deemed Consent

Non Material Amendment to 24/00075/FULHH – changing the external facing material to the side and rear walls to the rear extension from facing brickwork to horizontal boarded cladding to match existing. – 41 Elm Drive Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0LA
Status: Pending Consideration

Garage conversion. – 58 Campernell Close Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0TA
Status: Pending Consideration

Prior Approval Application under Part 3, Class MA of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for converting the existing building into two residential units. – 1 Duke Street Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0BS
Status: Pending Consideration

Prior Approval Application under Part 1, Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for single storey rear extension (6.3m depth, 3m maximum height and 3m eaves height). – 4 Pertwee Close Brightlingsea Colchester Essex CO7 0RT
Status: Pending Consideration

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