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Community News & Events

Tourism businesses invited to seminar

Businesses involved in tourism within Tendring have been invited to a seminar to pick up useful advice and share information.
The Tourism and Visitors Attractions Event, hosted by Tendring District Council’s (TDC) Economic Growth team, will include keynote addresses from Visit Essex and a local tourism business owner.
TDC will also provide an update on upcoming events and its efforts to support the sector around the Essex Sunshine Coast, while attendees will also be able to participate in an open Q and A, share ideas and look at possible collaboration.
Mary Newton, TDC cabinet member for business and economic growth, said the event would be useful for tourism firms whether established or new. “Tourism is such a key part of our local economy, worth around £180million and responsible for 11% of jobs in 2020 according to the latest Economic Impact Assessments, which is why we place an important focus on it through our work.”
The event is being held at Clacton Town Hall at 10am on Thursday, May 26 – and attendees can also join online. To sign up please visit https://www.tendringdc.gov.uk/business/upcoming-business-events

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