Welcome! It's June 27, 2024.
Community News & Events

Town looks forward to Brightlingsea Regatta

Staff Reporter

Brightingsea’s waterside will be the location of a host of free events and attractions during the town’s annual regatta.

Taking place over the weekend of July 6&7, the on-shore activities at the event will include a boat jumble, food court, an open day at the Lobster Hatchery and a variety of stalls at Brightlingsea Sailing Club and around the Waterside area. Bars at all the local clubs will be open to the public.

On-water activities include yacht, dinghy and rowing races, a parade of sail by traditional vessels, along with the opportunity to try paddleboarding, gig rowing, dinghy and keelboat sailing and powerboating.

Other events include model boat sailing on the boating lake, a rubber duck race in aid of Brightlingsea First Responders and a sunset beach party at Brightlingsea Sailing Club. Saturday’s activities will be rounded off by a fireworks display at 9.45pm, with the chance have a swim in the Lido between 9 and 10pm while the display is taking place.

For the latest information, see the regatta website. A copy of the programme can be downloaded here.


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