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Recycling bins installed at Waterside Marina

Going underground - recycling bins at the Marina

Recycling bins have been installed at Brightlingsea’s Waterside Marina complex after requests from residents and pressure from local councillors for better waste provision at the 200-property complex.

Brightlingsea district councillor Mick Barry and town councillor Ben Smith had been pressing for the green waste facility for some months, but lockdown meant negotiations were protracted. Now, following collaboration with Tendring District Council and the property’s managers, nine large bins collecting plastic, cans, paper and cardboard have been installed in the underground car park. There are plans to increase the number after Christmas if there is sufficient demand.

Michael Talbot, TDC cabinet member for environment, said the council was always looking at ways to further boost recycling. “Increasing recycling rates at flats in the district was always planned to be the focus after the initial roll-out of our revised waste service last year, as we know it is an area which can be improved upon,” he said.

“I am pleased that this scheme has been well-received by the management company, and we hope that others in the district will consider a similar measure so that together we can improve recycling in Tendring.”

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