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Ladysmith Avenue speeding issues to be monitored

A Telraam device – BTC will purchase one to monitor traffic around the town
David Bridle, Editor

Speeding and other traffic related issues in Ladysmith Avenue, Brightlingsea, are to be monitored following residents’ complaints.

Brightlingsea Town Council has requested that Essex County Council carries out a speed and volume survey on the road, one of the main access routes to the town centre.

The week-long survey – at a time to be confirmed – will cost the council around £400 and see traffic monitored by sensing cables laid across the road. ECC will only carry out such surveys at no cost if there has been an accident.

The expenditure was approved at BTC’s last full council meeting on November 21, following a recommendation from its environment and transport team. The council also agree to buy a Telraam monitoring device, which can be placed in a window overlooking areas where speeding, congestion and other issues are a concern.

The information it records isn’t accepted as ‘official’ by the highways authority or police, but can be used to request formal surveys and inform council policy.

Other topics discussed at the council meeting included:

Robinson Road development: Councillors expressed disappointment at Tendring District Council’s decision to approve revised plans for the holiday park development on Robinson Road.

Cllr Jayne Chapman, also a TDC councillor, had called the application in – meaning it had to be decided by TDC’s planning committee rather than by officers. She said the thought the planning committee had appeared to be leaning towards refusal before the council’s head of planning suggested they approve it subject to a further report on the number of curlews on the site by Natural England.

TDC told Brightlingsea Info that it is “awaiting an updated Habitats Regulations Assessment from its ecology advisors, following which we will formally re-consult Natural England”.

Recycling Sites: The future of the bottle bank and other recycling bins at Fiveways is in doubt, with the council stating that it is “looking likely” that Sainsbury’s will not retain the facility when it takes over the Co-op in 2025. Tendring District Council is to be asked if they have any more information, and what other arrangements might be put in place should the bins be removed.

Boat Park: From February 2025 the council is to take over the management of the boat park at the Hard, beside the Colne Yacht Club. Previously run by Brightlingsea Harbour, the client list, booking forms and other documents have been handed over to the council, which is looking at remedial action in the park, including re-lining of spaces and a general tidy. Prices are thought to be remaining the same.

Brightlingsea Museum forecourt: A member of the public asked councillors to confirm that the refurbished forecourt outside Brightlingsea Museum was not paid for by the town council. Mayor John Carr confirmed that the council had neither paid, nor been asked to pay, for the work. The museum is due to host a visit from Princess Anne on December 11.

Cricket Club: The council is to write to Brightlingsea Cricket Club to ask how it will ensure that its new clubhouse on the Bayard recreation ground will be open for use by other organisations in the town. Use by other groups is a condition of permission for the construction. The council is also considering using Section 106 money to build a new storage facility for its grounds equipment as the old one will go as part of the reconstruction of the new club building.

Town Survey: Compilation of a town survey is underway, which will include questions on what the town and council does well or not, what improvements are needed and what schemes could be explored for the future.

Volunteer Festival: An event to showcase the work of volunteer groups in the town is being planned. The council has also agreed to take a stand at an Eco showcase event being organised by the Rev. Judith Gibbons, with the intention of highlighting facilities for recycling, upcycling and restoration in the town.

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