People who haven’t filled a census form could be visited by census field officers, who are now working in the community to ensure compliance with the law.
Census day was March 21 and it’s a legal requirement that every adult in the England and Wales completes the questionnaire. Anyone who hasn’t yet returned a form can still do so online – there’s information here – but can expect a visit from a census officer as a reminder.
Census officers carry official identification cards bearing their photograph and name and can show a critical worker letter permitting them to be out and about doing their job. They will also be wearing PPE and comply with other Covid restrictions. Officers will never ask for money, bank details or any other financial information and won’t ask to enter a home and if there’s any concern, residents can call 0800 085 8239 to confirm the identity of a census officer and the area they are working in.
They work the following hours:
Monday – Saturday 09.00-20.00
Sundays and Bank Holidays 10.00-16.00