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Concerts and collections raise over £4,000 for Ukraine

Fundraising efforts for Ukraine by members and supporters of Brighlingsea’s Women in Harmony choir have raised over £4,000 in just over a month.

On Sunday (April 3) the group’s Sing for Ukraine concert in St James’ Church raised nearly £750 with donations and the sale of greetings cards and other items made by group members bringing that up to just over £900 – doubled with match funding for the United Nations Refugee Agency. The concert had been re-arranged after choir leader Alison Benz caught Covid.

The money was added to the group’s fundraising in March, when it group organised a collection of clothing and other items in the YMCA for refugees.

“The money will go to humanitarian charities helping to support the Ukrainians, either in their own country of the surrounding countries that they have fled to,” said Ms Benz. “This is an incredible amount that will make a real difference.”

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