Welcome! It's September 16, 2024.
Community News & Events

Colne Community School and College gears up for expansion

Brightlingsea’s Colne Community School has applied for permission to demolish the existing caretaker’s house to make way for a new 12-classroom teaching block as it gears up for a 260-pupil expansion.

The move follows an Essex County Council report which says that without the expansion the Brightlingsea area would be short of around 100 school places by the end of the decade due to increased housing. As well as the new classrooms, which will be used for teaching languages, materials, food and science technology, existing parts of the school will be remodelled to create a new kitchen and dining room, science, technology and drama spaces and a new entrance area.

If approved, the new block  is expected to be completed by September 2021, with remodelling work completed by the beginning of the 2021-2 term. The improvements will allow for two additional Year 7 forms – around 60 pupils – per year and take the overall places available at the school to 1500.

The planning application was on Brightlingsea Town Council’s planning committee’s agenda for information only at its meeting on November 12. Other applications discussed and recommended for approval when they go before Tendring District Council included:

  • Conversion of part of a carport to a bathroom and extending first floor dormers at 11 Woodlands
  • Demolition of a garage, proposed two storey side and single storey part rear extensions and proposed extension/infill to entrance porch at 2 Manor House Way
  • A single storey side and rear extensions following demolition of conservatory at 22 Pyefleet Close
  • A two storey rear extension at 15 Victoria Place

The committee deferred giving a view on a licensing application by The Coach Coffee Shop on the Waterside. The business wants to sell alcohol on and off its premises from 9am to 6pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 10pm on Friday and Saturday and from 10am to 6pm on Sunday, and have live music from noon to 6pm from Friday to Sunday. The committee said that when information was received as to whether or not the sale of alcohol was an off licence arrangement, and if live music was to take place inside or outside, it would discuss the application again at a future meeting.

Councillors declined to support an application to build a detached dwelling on land adjacent to 15 Station Road, but said that if comments made by Tendring Council’s heritage officer were adhered to, it would give its backing.

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    Essex CO7 0RX

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