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Census will help understand England & Wales – and Jedi

Households across Tendring and the UK will be asked to take part in Census 2021 this spring – the first to take place largely online.

The census, run by the Office for National Statistics, is a once-in-a-decade survey that gives the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out every ten years since 1801, with the exception of 1941.

Understanding the needs of the nation helps central government and organisations such as councils and health authorities plan and fund public services across England and Wales. Census outputs inform where billions of pounds of public funding is spent on services like transport, education and health – on cycle routes, schools and dental surgeries.

In Tendring, the last census in 2011 revealed:

  • 138,048 people lived in Tendring, including 5,195 students
  • 39,610 residents were retired
  • Just over 2,800 people worked as care workers and home carers
  • 1,177 people worked as cleaners and domestics
  • There were 392 chefs
  • There were 200 bricklayers and masons
  • 33, 702 used a car or van to drive to work, and just over 6,400 worked from home
  • Tendring was made up of 192 different ethnicities
  • Other than the UK, Ireland was the top country of birth;
  • Polish was the most common language other than English or Welsh, spoken by 436 people
  • There were 83 households with 8 or more people
  • 505 people said they were Jedi Knights

Charities and voluntary organisations often use the census results it as evidence to get funding. It helps businesses to understand their customers and, for example, decide where to open new shops. Plus those doing research, like university students and people looking into their family history, use census data. It provides important information on population diversity, allowing organisations to know whether they are meeting their responsibilities and triggering action where necessary.

Census 2021 will be the first run predominantly online, with households receiving a letter with a unique access code, allowing them to complete the questionnaire on their computers, phones or tablets. However, there will be plenty of support available for people who are not confident with online services.

Lynda McWilliams, Tendring District Council cabinet member for partnerships, encouraged everyone to take part when Census Day comes around. “Data from the Census guide authorities, such as Tendring District Council, for the next ten years around shaping services – for example, knowing what sort of work people do, where people live, and building up a holistic picture of the area. It means we know where to best invest our spending, as well as providing an insight into life in 2021.”

Iain Bell, deputy national statistician at the Office for National Statistics, added: “The census provides a unique snapshot of our communities. It benefits everyone. Based on the information you give, it ensures millions of pounds are invested in emergency services, mental health care, school places, hospital beds, houses, roads, GPs’ and dentists’ services.”

Census day will be on March 21, with households receiving letters early that month with online codes explaining how they can take part. The census will include questions about your sex, age, work, health, education, household size and ethnicity. And, for the first time, there will be a question asking people whether they have served in the armed forces, as well as voluntary questions for those aged 16 and over on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Results will be available within 12 months, although personal records will be locked away for 100 years, kept safe for future generations. For more information and advice on how to answer the questions, visit census.gov.uk.

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