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Brightlingsea smell: 60+ complaints before Dunmow Group investigated, council reveals

The Dunmow/EWD site in Morses Lane - rgiven a clean bill of health by the Environment Agency

An Environment Agency (EA) investigation into the Dunmow Group waste transfer plant on Morses Lane was triggered after the agency received more than 60 complaints from Brightlingsea residents about the foul smell permeating the town.

The site – widely thought to be the source of the smell that has seen residents forced to close windows and report headaches and nausea – was inspected on August 10, when Dunmow said there had been an issue caused by the heat.

The EA officer found no issues and blamed the smell – apparently with little evidence – on the Cadent gas works taking place on the Manor estate. Cadent has since issued a statement saying that despite numerous calls from concerned residents, no gas leaks have been found.

Dunmow has said that after noticing a “faint odour” during daily checks last week, it resolved the problem. The Chelmsford-based company has been quoted as saying that “reports of chemicals and other substances coming from the site are unfounded” – but this week residents continued to report problems to the EA.

The number of complaints was revealed at a meeting of Brightlingsea Town Council last night (August 18) when Brightlingsea mayor Mick Barry told around 25 members of the public that he is attempting to set up a meeting with Dunmow, Cadent and the EA to discuss concerns.

According to a statement issued by the council at the meeting, “residents say they are experiencing significant problems in the vicinity of the Dunmow waste transfer site”. Pointing out that the council – which “understands the frustration and anxiety of residents – has no regulatory powers or authority in the matter, the statement says the mayor has been in regular contact with the EA and Dunmow to express residents’ concerns.

The statement said:”All authority to intervene or take action lays entirely with the Environment Agency and the council’s advice about continuing problems is to ring them on 0800 80 70 60.”
In response to the ongoing problems, the Brightlingsea Resident’s Action Group (BRAG), which fought against the expansion of the former Eastern Waste Disposal site and the materials it could deal with – is relaunching.

“The priority of is to stop any harm coming to residents,” it says on its Facebook page, urging anyone with technical or legal expertise to get in touch to help the group. Further details of its plans are set to be released next week.

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