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Community News & Events

Brightlingsea First Responders appeal for items to raise defibrillator funds

A defibrilator on the wall of Dave's Barber Shop in Victoria Place - one of eight around the town
Brightlingsea Community First Responders are appealing for items that can be raffled to help it meet the running costs of the eight defibrillators that are already installed around the town.
The responders are trained local volunteers whose aim is to reach a potential life threatening emergency in the first vital minutes before the ambulance crew arrives. Insurance for the town’s defibrillators costs around £350 a year and batteries – three of which had to be replaced recently – cost £175 each.
To help meet the costs, the team is planning to hold a tombola and raffle at the May Day Bank Holiday boot sale in Promenade Way on May 2 and is asking donations of items that could be used to help raise funds. If you have something, contact Steve Houston, the Co-ordinator for Brightlingsea First Responders, on 07979 718347 or email [email protected].

Defribillator locations

Brightlingsea’s defribillators can be found at:
  • Wine Well High St
  • Dave’s Barbers, Victoria Place
  • Toilet Block Promenade Way
  • Manor Estate
  • Stronvar Rest Home, Church Rd
  • Wood & Mott, Morses Lane
  • Street Cars, Hurst Green
In addition, there’s one in the Community Centre that’s accessible during centre opening hours, and one is loaned to the Lido during the open season.
There will soon be another at the Colne Yacht Club, with a further three locations in the pipeline.
Note that when someone calls 999 and the call handler thinks a defibrillator may be of benefit, the caller will be told the location of the nearest defibrillator and give the code for the key lock on the cabinet.

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    Essex CO7 0RX

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