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‘Town square’ plan unveiled by Brightlingsea Town Council

An ambitous plan to create a multi-purpose ‘town square’ on Brightlingsea Hard has been unveiled by Brightlingsea Town Council (BTC).

The square – which, it’s estimated, could cost around £1m – would see part of the Hard in front of the Colne Yacht Club built over to form a paved area with raised seating for up to 100 people around a space for events, concerts, markets and more.

As yet, no funding is available to start building, but it’s understood that an application may be made to the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Both Tendring District Council and Essex County Council are said to have given their backing to the plans for what BTC is calling Platinum Square, though no formal permissions have yet been granted.

Illustrating 'Town square' plan unveiled by Brightlingsea Town Council on Brightlingsea Info

Though earlier plans showed a deck, the latest proposals are for a solid construction, with two sides at the same level as the existing pavement – shown in brown on the image above – providing a walkway with seating and wide enough for vehicle access. A raised area – shown in grey – would be around 600mm higher, keeping it above projected flood levels, while the lower area would be covered by some high tides.

The new floating jetty on the hard – which opened in October 2021 – would be moved to the seaward end of the square. The plans envisage the possibility of traditional sailing vessels – such as Thames barges – mooring against the square and the jetty.

Two of the dolphins – the WWII mooring posts that are in a delapidated state – would be removed. Their proposed removal – first mooted when earlier plans for what was then called the Heritage Square were released more than two years ago – proved controversial, with many in the town wanting them retained as part of the town’s history.

Illustrating 'Town square' plan unveiled by Brightlingsea Town Council on Brightlingsea Info
Image shows the proposed location of the square

Brightlingsea residents had their first opportunity to see the plans – and fill in a questionnaire – at a consultation evening in the Colne Yacht Club on Friday, March 17. The questionnaire is also available online here.

• A pdf version of the plan can be downloaded here (1.5mb file).

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