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Brightlingsea boatbuilders White Formula set sail in world-first hydrogen project

Rupert White helms the Whisper during trials off Brightlingsea

Brightlingsea boatbuilders White Formula are partners in a world-first project that could see seagoing vessels generating green hydrogen from seawater.

A successful test of equipment to produce the gas took place off Brightlingsea recently – mounted on a White-built Whisper foiling catamaran chosen for its speed and stability and helmed by former Team GB sailor Rupert White.

The company behind the project, DRIFT Energy, aims build a fleet of autonomous catamarans that will cruise the oceans to produce the carbon-neutral gas, controlled by a sophisticated artificial intelligence system that will monitor wind and waves to find the optimum route for energy generation.

According to DRIFT, the Brightlingsea test outperformed expectations and, using a combination of commercial electrolysis units, turbines and hydrogen storage tank, could have produced ten times the six litres of green hydrogen that was gathered in two hours.  It’s now progressing plans for vessels capable of producing 250,000 litres per hour or more which will be able to operate wherever the best weather conditions can be found.

Former Team GB sailor Rupert White helmed the Whisper for the trial and had the privilege of making the world’s first foiling hydrogen. “Since my departure from the Olympic team this has been the coolest job I’ve had,” he said.

His brother Thom, White Formula’s managing partner, added: “When I was approached by DRIFT to look at a hydrogen generation at sea utilising a sailboat, I was intrigued to say the least. To be chosen to be at the forefront of sailing technology development is humbling, but this time we have the opportunity to help our planet.”

For more information about the project, see DRIFT’s website.

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