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Tendring District Council wants your views on plans for next four years

The new administration at Tendring District Council (TDC) is giving residents the opportunity to comment on its plans for the next four years.

A draft version of the council’s corporate plan – Our Vision – has been agreed by TDC’s cabinet and is now available for the public to have their say.

The plan has five themes:

• Pride in our area and services to residents

• Raising aspirations and creating opportunities

• Championing our local environment

• Working with partners to improve quality of life

• Financial sustainability and openness

TDC Leader Mark Stephenson said it was important the plan reflected the priorities of the local community.

“Our Vision is drawn from what we as councillors heard on the doorstep at the May elections – with feedback provided by all members during the induction process – but we really want to listen to what the public say is important to them.

“This document drives the direction of TDC for four years, so we are so keen to hear your views so we can then ensure our focus, priorities and resources are all pulling in the same direction to deliver for Tendring.”

Following the consultation, the plan will be further reviewed in light of the feedback received, before a target adoption date by full council in November.

To take part in the consultation, visit https://tinyurl.com/TDC-Vision. Paper copies will also be available at TDC offices in Pier Avenue and the Town Hall, Clacton. The consultation closes on Monday, 25 September 2023.

The consultation is being supported by an independent company, Mackman Research, which will also be carrying out more in-depth consultation with a representative sample of residents and businesses, as well as partners.

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