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Cinque Port Liberty of Brightlingsea to welcome mayor of Sandwich

The Deputy and freemen process in Brightlingsea - this picture from 2022
Staff Reporter

The Deputy of the Cinque Port Liberty of Brightlingsea will play host to a visit from the Mayor of Sandwich on Friday, June 21.

Brightlingsea is a Limb of the Head Port of Sandwich and the only community outside Kent and Sussex which has any connection with the Confederation of the Cinque Ports – formed hundreds of years ago by the five most important Channel ports of the day to provide ships and men “for the service of the monarch”.

The Deputy, Steve Archer, supported by his assistants and freemen, will meet Sandwich’s mayor, Paul Carter, outside St James’ church at 11.45am. From there the group will process – led by the Sandwich town sergeant and a piper – to the fountain in Victoria place where they’ll meet children from Brightlingsea Primary School to hand out history packs and treats.

Following a reception with Brightlingsea mayor John Carr in the Parish Hall, the procession will head back to St James’ to change out of their robes, chains and medallions, before leaving for lunch at the Colne Yacht Club. On the following day, the Deputy and Sandwich mayor will take part in the Brightlingsea carnival procession and help to judge the entries.

• Victoria Place will be closed to traffic between 11.45am and 1pm while the visit takes place. ECC suggests detour via Wellington and New Streets.

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