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Public consultation on “Platinum Square” plan for Brightlingsea Hard

The original Heritage Quay proposal - the new Platinum Square plan appears to be a development of this

Brightlingsea Town Council (BTC) has released revised plans to develop a decked area over part of the town’s Hard.

The Platinum Square proposals – which could feature tiered seating, planters, cycle racks and retractable canopies – are the latest iteration of plans which were first discussed over two years ago.

The council says that funding for the development “has not yet been determined until the final plans have been agreed”. It adds that the final plans will be produced following feedback and comments from a public consultation, to be held in the Colne Yacht Club on Friday, March 17 between 5 and 8pm.

In 2020 BTC proposed building what it then called a Heritage Quay in the same area – on the east side of the Hard adjacent to the Colne Yacht Club jetty – to provide a space for safe crabbing and hosting events, with a floating jetty attached where barges could moor.

Illustrating Public consultation on "Platinum Square" plan for Brightlingsea Hard on Brightlingsea Info

But with no finance available, the quay part of the plan was dropped and the floating jetty was built at a cost of £100,000, three-quarters of which came from an EU fisheries fund. Brightlingsea Info understands that had the money subsequently become available for the quay, then the new jetty – which was installed in the summer of 2021 – would have been dismantled and re-installed at the end of the quay.

The council hasn’t made plans available to Brightlingsea Info, but an image on a flyer promoting the public consultation shows two floating jetties projecting from the proposed quay area. We’ve reproduced that image here, but the quality is poor.

According to the flyer, the square will be “a 21st century to reflect Brightlingsea’s local history and festivals”. It adds: ” It will be a place to meet and greet, debate and educate, relax and unwind, keep fit or just watch. The list of activities is endless. The potential is enormous.”

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