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Lancaster will be star of Clacton Airshow 2024

The Avro Lancaster from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight will be at the Clacton Airshow 2024. (Pic Paul Johnson/Flightline UK)

Classic Second World War planes will take to the skies as part of this year’s Clacton Airshow flight display programme.

The first display for this summer’s Airshow has been revealed as the iconic RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, due to bring an Avro Lancaster and two Hawker Hurricanes for both days of the event.

They will be part of an overall D-Day theme for the 31st Clacton Airshow, taking place on August 22-23, which will be commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight is operated by regular RAF aircrew and contains six Spitfires, two Hurricanes, a Lancaster, a C47 Dakota as well as two Chipmunk aircraft for training.

Ivan Henderson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Regeneration and Tourism at Tendring District Council – which runs Clacton Airshow – said the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight was always a crowd favourite.

“The roar of the Lancaster’s engines is one of the defining sounds of the Clacton Airshow, and crowds along the seafront get a fantastic close-up view of this historic plane – one of only two remaining airworthy Lancasters in the world,” Councillor Henderson said.

“Seeing this giant flanked by the equally iconic Hurricane – a bastion of the Battle of Britain and many other operations during the Second World War – is an opportunity not to be missed.

Also announced for the flight line-up is the return of the RAF Grob Tutor T1, which is used by the Royal Air Force to provide flying instruction to Air Cadets and elementary flying training to future pilots.

For updates and more information on the 2024 Clacton Airshow, visit www.clactonairshow.com, follow @clactonairshow on Twitter, or go to the official Facebook event.

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