Planners have refused a plan to place a bike rack in the grounds of the Grade 1-listed All Saints’ Church, saying it would be “incongruous”.
Brightlingsea PCC wanted to place the non-permanent bike rack in the churchyard, close to the wall separating it from the parking area at the top of Moverons Lane. The grounds are within the Brightlingsea Hall and All Saints’ Church Conservation Area.
However, Tendring District Council said the proposal would have a “negative impact upon the setting of the heritage asset”, stating that the 4m-long rack – with clear roof and sides with space for 10 bikes – would offer “only minor public benefits which do not outweigh the level of harm identified”.
Planners added that the rack’s “prominent siting and modern overly modern design would appear incongruous with the traditional East Anglian design of the church and the sympathetic and historic design of the lych gate, which would detract from their visually pleasing aesthetics”.
Essex County Council’s heritage experts also objected, saying “the proposal has the potential to impact the character and appearance of the Conservation Area”. However, they added: “There is potential for the application to be acceptable if the bike rack is amended to a more traditional design and form of construction that harmonises well with the setting of the Church and does not visually compete with the lych gate.”