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Have your say on sports and leisure in Tendring

Councillor Mick Barry, TDC cabinet member for leisure and public realm

Tendring residents are being asked to have their say on the future of sports and leisure provision in the district.

Tendring District Council (TDC) has opened consultation on its draft Sports and Activity Strategy which sets out a five-year approach to developing and providing sport and leisure activity in the district.

The council hopes the new strategy will give increased opportunities for people to become active where they live, with a wider focus on community activity by supporting and facilitating local clubs, organisations and partners across the district.

Depending on the consultation’s findings – and available funding – it’s hoped to provide more sports events and community facilities, such as play zones and multi-use games areas. The strategy could see cycling and walking routes opened up, and the provision of virtual exercise classes.

TDC’s Cabinet last month said it recognised not all of the actions within the plan could be funded, but an initial £122,530 has been allocated towards delivering the strategy. A feasibility study on the potential for a state-of-the-art Active Wellbeing Centre in the district is also being commissioned.

The study would also support a review of leisure facilities to ensure they remain on a sustainable financial footing.

Councillor Mick Barry, TDC cabinet member for leisure and public realm, said: “We want to ensure that our leisure provision remains sustainable and evolves to reflect that changing leisure landscape, which has an increased focus on people being active where they live.

“This strategy is a statement of intent and signals a different and radical approach to the provision of sport and leisure facilities – the ambition to improve health outcomes for our residents and extend the opportunity for wellbeing are the driving forces that underpin this approach.

“We want to deliver more opportunities for our residents to become more active, with an improved quality of life.”

It is hoped the new strategy could be adopted this summer.

To have your say as part of the consultation and to view the draft strategy, visit the TDC consultations webpage at www.tendringdc.gov.uk/consultations.

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