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Going to the recycling centre? You’ll need to book in advance from March

Car drivers taking rubbish to the council recycling centres in Clacton and Colchester from March 13 will need book in advance.

The move comes after Essex County Council (ECC) has been trialling an online booking system for cars at its Rayleigh centre. The council says it has helped to manage waiting times and reduce congestion.

A booking system is already in place for vans and large vehicles at all nine ECC centres for vans and large vehicles.

Residents will be able to book their slots in advance from February 27. The online system will show when the 15-minute slots are available and how busy they will be. Once a successful booking is made, users will be receive an email confirmation which will have to be taken to the tip, along with proof of address.

Only residents of the Essex County Council area will be allowed access. Site users visiting by foot and Blue Badge holders do not need to book a slot. Those without internet access can book by calling 0345 743 0430 Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm.

Cllr Malcolm Buckley, ECC cabinet member for waste reduction and recycling, said: “The booking system trials at both Rayleigh Recycling Centre and the van-friendly sites have been well-received by residents. The sites have been less congested, and we’ve been able to reduce the misuse of sites by vehicles carrying commercial waste. We will monitor the trial to measure its success and can make amendments as necessary.”

Further information – and the link to the online booking system when it goes live on February 27 – can be found on this page.

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