Welcome! It's September 20, 2024.
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Don’t lose your vote, Tendring residents urged

Tendring residents could lose their vote if they don’t respond to the council’s annual election information check.

The annual canvass ensures Tendring’s Electoral Registration Office holds the correct information for those adults who are UK, Commonwealth and EU nationals, and teenagers approaching voting age.

Initial letters were sent out in the summer to every home in the district, but a follow-up is now being sent those who have not yet responded.

Residents are being asked to respond to avoid further reminders being sent; especially if they have recently moved into the area, or have teenagers who have recently celebrated a 16th or 17th birthday.

Ian Davidson, Electoral Registration Officer for Tendring, said it was important that every household checked the details.

“Your vote is important, and if you ignore this letter then you may lose your ability to vote,” he said.

Details can be confirmed or updated by phone, text, online or post.

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