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Community News & Events

Colne Medical Centre updates services

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

As the immediate crisis caused by the pandemic eases slightly, the Colne Medical Centre is beginning to resume clinics.

However, the Station Road centre says that because of the need to carry out thorough cleaning between patients, there will be extended waiting times for some services and the time between appointments has been extended, reducing the number of appointments available. Appointments are obligatory – patients arriving at the surgery without one will be asked to return home.

The centre is now able to take bookings for:

  • Telephone consultations with the GP or nurse practitioner
  • B12 injections
  • Depot injections
  • Hormone injections
  • Cervical smear tests
  • Coils and implants
  • Routine blood tests
  • Asthma and COPD reviews by phone
  • Childhood immunisations
  • Pneumonia and shingles vaccinations

Smoking cessation or ear syringing services are no longer available.

Patients are asked to respect social distancing measures while waiting to enter and only to enter the surgery lobby if it is empty. Once an appointment has been verified patients will be allowed to enter and will have their temperature taken before being asked to move to the waiting area. Because of social distancing the waiting area can now only accommodate nine patients. Face masks or coverings are recommended.

The reception team is often busy answering the phones, so patients may have to call more than once. Enquiries can also be made via the practice website.

The centre can be contacted on 01206 302522 or see www.colnemedicalcentre.nhs.uk for more information.

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