Two of the town’s major summer events are holding their annual general meetings in February – and are hoping to attract new volunteers.
The Brightlingsea Town Show’s AGM is first, on Monday February 10 at 7pm in the Parish Hall in Victoria Place. Residents are invited to attend to find out more about what the show is about and how they might get involved with the organisation or setting up on the day.
After the business part of the meeting there will be a presentation from guest speaker Vicky Pudney, who runs Brightlingsea Hedgehog Highways Rescue, giving information about the creatures and what can be done to help prevent their decline.
Next up is the annual meeting of the Brightlingsea Free Music Festival on Monday February 24, at 7.30pm, also in the Parish Hall. All residents of Brightlingsea and surrounding villages are welcome to attend.
The positions of chairman, health and safety or site manager and fund raising/publicity manager are up for election. Anyone wishing to stand for the posts who has suitable experience should send a written application to the BFMF Secretary at [email protected], no less than 14 days before the meeting.