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Strangers Way bungalow developers can go ahead after winning appeal

The site as it was before the trees were felled in 2020. The house on the property has subsequently been extended

A planning inspector has overturned a Tendring District Council (TDC) decision to prevent bungalows being built on land behind a house in Church Road.

The move – following an appeal by Colchester-based Park Mark Developments Ltd – means that the construction of five dwellings behind the house, known as Strangers Way, can now go ahead.

The development caused controversy in 2020 when the site was cleared of trees (pictured below) months before any planning application was made. Brightlingsea Town Council opposed the application, which was subsequently rejected unanimously in October 2021 by TDC’s planning committee.

Illustrating Strangers Way bungalow developers can go ahead after winning appeal on Brightlingsea Info
The cleared site at Strangers Way

Apart from being critical of the site clearance, councillors were generally against the backland development and thought that the long driveway required to access the development was not wide enough for two cars to pass. Other reasons for refusal included increased noise and light pollution for neighbours and the reduction in privacy for the existing house on the site.

However, planning inspector Terrence Kemman-Lane, who visited the site in October this year, said that citing the narrow driveway as a reason for refusal was “misconceived”, as it was much the same as the access to the adjacent Homefield bungalow development and met current guidelines.

“I have concluded that the proposed access to the appeal development would not be harmful to the living conditions of the occupiers of Strangers Way in respect of privacy, vehicular movements and light pollution, nor would the proposal detrimentally affect the character of the surrounding area,” said the inspector.

The full appeal decision can be seen here.

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