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Royal Naval Association branch looks to identify former sailor

The Brightlingsea branch of the Royal Naval Association (RNA) is asking for help to identify a former member.

The local association was formed 30 years ago by 21 former sailors. None of the original founders survive but a few of those who joined in 1994 are still members: former telegraphist air gunner Ron Underwood, now 98, who flew Swordfish aircraft in the Russian convoys; former shipwright Bill Scales who saw service in the Korean war; and former radio operator Bruce Keeling who served in the Antarctic on the exploration ship HMS Endurance.

Illustrating Royal Naval Association branch looks to identify former sailor on Brightlingsea Info
Can you identify this former sailor?

Those early members of the Branch, all given the title of Shipmate, added pictures of themselves in uniform on a wooden board, which has been kept safe by current branch president Ron Underwood.

The board is now being refurbished, but there’s one sailor, pictured right, that members have been unable to identify.

The Branch is asking all residents to look at the picture and attempt to identify the missing sailor.   If you recognise the sailor please contact the RNA branch secretary, Stella Willet on 07484 283189 or email stellawillett@gmail.com.

The original board is shown below, featuring, left to right, top to bottom:

Ted Wink, Brian Guooge, Bill Dobson, Ron Norfolk
Bill Scales, Bruce Keeling, Roy Scarborough, Joe French
Jim Borrow, John Bines, Peter Revett, Tom Grey
Ernie Hatch, Ray Carter, Unknown, Ron Underwood

Illustrating Royal Naval Association branch looks to identify former sailor on Brightlingsea Info

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