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Update: Rotten roof beam discovery adds thousands to All Saints’ restoration bill

(Updated 02/06 with the link to the Just Giving page)

The discovery of serious decay in the main roof beam at the top of All Saint’s church tower has left the group managing its restoration with an unexpected bill that could top £70,000.

The damage was discovered while work to repair stonework on the Tudor tower is carried out as part of a £500,000 restoration project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Initially it was thought that the damage – thought to have been caused by water tracking down the tower flagpole and hidden underneath lead roofing – could be repaired.

But now the Friends of All Saints’ say that the decay has been found to have spread inside the wood, leaving no option but to have it replaced with a new laminated timber beam.

With contingency budgets running low, the Friends are hoping that existing funders will come up with some of the necessary cash, but the group says it will have to raise at least £20,000 itself.

As a result, the group – which still hopes to re-open the church in August – has launched an emergency appeal for funds. “Although we are very thankful for the previous generosity of local support, nevertheless this completely unforeseen extra expense needs to be covered,” said group member Elizabeth Foss-Smith.

The Friends have a Just Giving page for donations – https://www.justgiving.com/friendsofallsaintsbrightlingsea – and personal donations can be made to the Friends of All Saints (charity no. 260143) c/o Elizabeth Foss-Smith, 16 Regent Road, Brightlingsea marked “Tower Appeal”.

The Friends will shortly be announcing a scheme to let supporters ‘buy’ a stone in the Tower and are planning a series of special fund-raising events.

• The work on the tower – and the damaged beam – can be see in our video tour here.

• As of June 2, £700 had been donated

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