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Community News & Events

Residents’ free car parking scheme to continue for another year

Households across Tendring will once again receive a free car parking permit for the year ahead.

Since 2012 Tendring District Council (TDC) has provided each home with a permit, which allows free parking after 11am in most TDC car parks for 10 months of the year.

Mark Stephenson, TDC Leader, said he was pleased to be renewing the scheme.

“In the face of rising living costs, our free parking scheme is needed now more than ever to allow residents to support our local businesses right across Tendring,” Cllr Stephenson said.

“I hope people make the most of it to not only give local firms a boost, but to enjoy everything our beautiful district has to offer.”

Homes which already have a permit will have them automatically renewed, but new households wishing to set up their permit for the first time, or need to change their details – which incurs an administration fee – will need to complete a form.

A letter detailing the scheme and including the sign-up form details will be posted to each household over the coming weeks.

The scheme covers one vehicle per household, though additional permits can be bought for a fee, and allows free parking at most TDC-run car parks from 11am until midnight – though the council does not currently charge for parking between 6pm and 8am.

Permits are not valid during July and August, with an extension to cover these months available to purchase.

Holland Haven, The Naze and the Walton-on-the-Naze Lifestyles leisure centre car parks not included, nor does it permit parking in council housing car parks or those connected to council offices.

Non-Tendring residents can also buy the permit.

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