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New Street blaze: firefighters’ access blocked by parked cars

New Street – access for fire appliances blocked (stock image)

Parked vehicles delayed firefighters called to a flat fire in New Street, Brightlingsea on Saturday evening, October 28.

Local residents reported that firefighters had to physically move a van that was blocking their way, while one appliance that attempted to reach the incident via Sydney Street and Francis Street had to reverse out.

By the time fire crews – called from Colchester, Clacton & Weeley – reached the scene the ground floor flat was said by Essex Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS) to be 50% alight. Nobody was hurt, but a house next door suffered damage.

A spokesperson for ECFRS said that the cause of the fire was found to accidental. Crews were called out at 6:56pm and the fire was extinguished at 7:47pm.

The spokesperson added: “Unfortunately, there was a delay getting to the incident due to parked cars on the road blocking access. Motorists are urged to take care when parking their vehicles so they do not prevent our fire engines from attending potentially life-threatening emergencies.”

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