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New beach hut strategy could allow commercial renting

brightlingsea beach huts
Brightlingsea beach huts – commercial letting proposed

Beach huts in Brightlingsea and Tendring could be rented out on a commercial basis if draft proposals for a new beach hut strategy are adopted.

Hut owners were consulted about key issues – including renting huts – by Tendring District Council (TDC) earlier this year. The council licences most of the 3,000 beach huts in the district, including some in Brightlingsea. Beach huts on Brightlingsea Town Council land aren’t affected by the strategy.

Hut rental has proved controversial. While it brings in extra cash for some owners, the use of the huts for parties and large family gatherings has annoyed other owners.

Hut owners pay an annual licence at the momen, but the council is proposing to move to an annual lease, which it claims will offer more security of tenure.

Under the proposed system, owners could opt for a standard lease, which would allow them to rent out their huts for up to 10 days a year, or a commercial lease for more than 10 days’ hiring. In both cases the leases will cost more than the current licences.

The new strategy would also look at ways the council can review adaptations – such as verandas and non-standard construction materials – which fall outside its specifications.

the council received nearly 2,700 responses to its summer survey and the new draft proposals – which were approved by TDC’s cabinet on November 4 – will go out for consultation lasting at least six weeks later this month.

The cabinet agenda, including the report and draft beach hut strategy, can be found here: https://tdcdemocracy.tendringdc.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=134&MId=1981

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