Welcome! It's September 20, 2024.
Community News & Events

Learn how to deal with a heart emergency with town’s First Responders

Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash

Brightlingsea Community First Responders are to run two courses giving instruction on basic CPR, using a defibrillator, recovery position and recognising a cardiac arrest or heart attack

The courses will be held in the Parish Hall in Victoria Place on Saturday April 29 from 10am to noon and on Tuesday May 2 from 6.30-8.30pm.

There’s no exam and the course is open to anyone interested in learning how to cope with an emergency situation. Places are limited and though the course is free, there will be a collection to cover the cost of the hall hire.

The Responders are also looking for donations of items that can be raffled on its stall at the car boot sale on May 1st May in Promenade Way.

Money raised from this event will be put towards running costs for the 13 defibrillators the group has supplied and fitted around our Town. Insurance for these costs around £350 a year alone. and recently two batteries had to be replaced at a cost of £175 each.

To book a place on the course or donate items, call Steve Houston on 01206 305727.

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