Welcome! It's September 15, 2024.
Community News & Events

Have your say on waste strategy in Essex

Residents, businesses and organisations are being offered the chance to have a their say on plans for managing waste in Essex.

The Essex Waste Partnership – the county and 12 district, city and borough councils in Essex – has drafted a new joint waste strategy.

The draft sets out how the partnership is rethinking waste and its proposals for managing it over the next 30 years. This includes the actions people and organisations can take to protect the environment and conserve resources. 

It outlines the partnership’s vision of ‘zero waste.’ The principle of ‘zero waste’ means reusing, recycling and recovering as much as possible from resources and materials to extract the most value and minimise environmental impact at the same time.

The aim is to address the significant pressures of climate change and save money for taxpayers and public services in the long-term. A consultation on the strategy has been launched and will run for 10 weeks until Wednesday, November 22. 

A series of in-person and online information events have been set up to find out more. The nearest physical event will be held in Colchester on September 19 (click for details) and the online survey can be found here.

Anyone who requires support completing the survey can call 0345 6037625. The strategy and survey are also available in different languages and formats upon request.

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    7 Marennes Crescent
    Essex CO7 0RX

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