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50k challenge will support St Helena Hospice and remember much-loved aunt

Melissa Smith - relatives undertake a 50k challenge in her memory

Relatives of a Brightlingsea woman who died of cancer are to undertake a 50 kilometre challenge to raise money for St Helena Hospice in her memory.

Melissa Smith was known to many as the practice manager at the Colne View Dental Practice in Ladysmith Avenue, where she’d worked for 24 years, and was a popular member of Brightlingsea Sailing Club.

She died in October, just short of her 50th birthday. at the hospice and her funeral took place in All Saints’ Church on Monday, November 20.

Melissa had also been a keen runner, completing the Colchester half marathon in 2017, along with many other 5k and 10k races. Now her running has inspired her nephew and three neices – James, Sarah, Joanne and Rebecca – to run, jog or walk 50k in memory of their aunt.

Their fundraising challenge will take place in December and donations can be made online here.

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