The Rotary Club’s Santa Sleigh, which has been visiting the streets of Brightlingsea and the surrounding villages for over 40 years, raised just over £6,660 during its 2024 outings.
Despite some very inclement weather, Santa and his sleigh were out each night in December until Christmas eve, aided by volunteer collecting teams from a range of local organisations. The collecting partners received 50 per cent of the income from each night they were helping, with the remainder of the funds distributedby the Rotary Club of Brightlingsea & District to support other local good causes and charities throughout the year.
For the 2024 sleigh runs the collecting partners included Tower Street based community youth club 4-Youth, Brightlingsea-In-Bloom, Brightlingsea Hospice Support Group, Ladybirds PreSchool Thorrington, Wivenhoe Scouts & Guides, Alresford Pre-School PTA, Gt Bentley Primary School PTA, Porridge & Pens, Brightlingsea Lido and Brightlingsea Cinque Port Deputy’s Gift Fund.
The sleigh runs are made possible by a dedicated team of volunteers and supporters, but more are always welcome to help with maintenance, towing and collection. For more information, contact sleigh coordinator Fiona Brown on [email protected] or call 07711 718470.