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Overnight roadworks likely to delay Brightlingsea drivers

Roadworks on B1029
Warning - B1029 roadworks are coming

Illustrating Overnight roadworks likely to delay Brightlingsea drivers on Brightlingsea InfoDrivers entering and leaving Brightlingsea overnight face potential long delays while roadworks are carried out on two stretches of the B1029 Brightlingsea Road.

This Thursday – July 30 – will see drivers escorted past roadworks on the corner by All Saints’ Church while work takes place on both sides of the road between 8pm and 6am. This work is scheduled for one night, provided all goes to plan, and emergency vehicles will be able to get through quickly if need be.

On July 31, overnight work between 8pm and 6am will start for up to 11 days on part of the B1029 from Thorrington Cross towards Brightlingsea. This will entail the four-way junction at the roundabout and the stretch of Brightlingsea Road being subject to single file operation with traffic lights.

Advance warning signs saying “Road Closed” give the impression that the road was to be completely shut, but Brightlingsea’s Essex County Councillor Alan Goggin explained that this is the legal wording that applies when any part of a carriageway is to be closed off. He said that the overnight work, combined with lower traffic volumes because of the pandemic, would lessen disruption, but urged drivers to “plan for it”.

Of the work at the church, Cllr Goggin added: “There will be worse delays than if there were traffic lights. If you can avoid entering or leaving the town on Friday night that would be sensible.”

More roadworks

• Details of these and other roadworks can be seen on Essex County Council’s Future Roadworks map here.

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