Welcome! It's June 27, 2024.
Community News & Events

Family support organisations have two weeks to apply for well-being grants

Organisations supporting children, young people and families in Essex have just two weeks to apply for well-being grants of up to £20,000.

Essex Voluntary Services’ VVU community grant fund is open to local, ’not for profit’, voluntary or community clubs or organisations based in Essex.

Projects can run from April 2023 to 31 March 2024 and must demonstrate how they have a positive impact on issues relating to crime and anti-social behaviour and violence and vulnerability. This may include early intervention work, gang and ‘county lines’, and child criminal exploitation projects.

All applications will have to demonstrate how their project enables children and young people to make positive choices that keep them safe, raise self-esteem and confidence and improve emotional and physical health.

Projects funded in the last grant round included therapeutic services for children and young people, coaching and mentoring opportunities, community activities, detached youth work, sporting activities, wilderness therapy and specialist counselling.

For more information visit https://ecvys.org.uk/funding-news/. The closing date is 31 October.

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    7 Marennes Crescent
    Essex CO7 0RX

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