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Roving Essex road repairers will visit Brightlingsea first

Staff Reporter

Brightlingsea will be one of the first towns in Essex to have a visit from a roving team of road repairers under a new county council scheme.

Recently the council announced an additional £8 million for additional crews in each borough, city and district to prioritise repairs raised by local councillors. These crews – made up of two or three workers – will spend a day or so carrying out minor repairs in Essex towns and villages, with Brightlingsea being one of the first.

Tom Blackburne-Maze, Director of Highways and Transport at Essex County Council, said: “As part of the council’s investment into our roads, this programme will provide residents, communities and businesses with improved and safer roads which will make it easier to travel.”

Essex Highways recently launched its road resurfacing programme, part of the £39 million carriageways budget for the county in 2024/25.

For more information on road resurfacing season and repair methodology, as well as access to the Surfacing Programme Map, visit: www.essexhighways.org/roads-and-pavements/renewing-surfaces

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