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Community News & Events

Team effort sees basketball court due to re-open

The town’s basketball court on Promenade Way, damaged after the flooding in early 2019, is due to reopen on at noon on Saturday, August 13 after a huge team effort to raise funds for its renovation.

Brightlingsea Town Council has worked with Tendring District Council and the Brightlingsea Sledgehammers Basketball Club on the renovation. The district council has provided £2,500 for the work, with an online fundraising campaign set up by Jay Kitchen of the Sledgehammers raising nearly £1,600.

The work has been co-ordinated by town councillor Graham Steady, which has seen Sledgehammers’ members put in more than 40 hours preparing the court with designs for a bold paint job by local artist Paul Cottie. Colin Gould of Brightlingsea-based Britau has also lent his services.

The Sledgehammers have been a fixture in the town for over 30 years – and some members have turned professional – but were left without a regular home court when the district council withdrew financing for Brightlingsea Sports Centre and reduced opening hours made evening matches difficult.

Town mayor Mick Barry will perform the official opening, followed by a demonstration of basketball skills and a five-a-side match against the Sledgehammers.

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