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Brightlingsea Regent retains Clowsley for new season

Brightlingsea Regent Jake Clowsley
Jake Clowsley - staying with Brightlingsea Regent

Brightlingsea Regent has retained Jake Clowsley, who’s re-signed for the North Road-based team ahead of the new season

Clowsley re-joined the R’s in January from FC Clacton and went on to score three goals in 11 appearances. “Jake came into the side and made a big difference to us offensively,” said team manager Kem Izzet.

“I love his energy and aggression on the field and he was a player I was keen to keep on board this season,” added Izzet. “His hard work on the field is what makes him a favourite amongst the Regent supporters and I’m sure they will be pleased to have him back with us.”

If you are interested in sponsoring Clowsley for the 2020-21 season, email [email protected].

• In May, the club – which plays in the semi-professional Isthmian League – set up a JustGiving campaign to finance essential pitch and stadium maintenance. It’s aiming to raise £2,500 to cover the cost of materials and equipment for reseeding, fertilising, buying a new pitch white lining machine and other essential stadium maintenance. The work will be carried out by club volunteers to keep costs to a minimum as the cancellation of the 2019-20 season cut the club’s income. will carry out the work themselves as using an external company to do this work will cost considerably more, money we do not have following cancellation of the recent season.

If you’d like to donate, visit  https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/upthers and for more information on Brightlingsea Regent, visit https://www.brightlingsearegentfc.com/.

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