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First Responder Steve’s outstanding service recognised by the Deputy

Left to right: Susan Houston, First Responder Steve Houston, Deputy Frank Pomroy and Lady Deputy Win Pomroy
Steve Houston’s work as co-ordinator of Brightlingsea’s team of First Responders has been recognised by the town’s Deputy, Frank Pomroy.
Steve was presented with the Deputy’s Medal of Merit for his outstanding service to the local community during a lunch on the day of the annual visit of the Mayor of Sandwich to the Cinque Port Liberty of Brightlingsea on Friday, September 10.
The award came as a total surprise to Steve, who’d been invited to the lunch in the Colne Yacht Club as a representative of the First Responders, who called out by the ambulance service to attend accidents and medical emergencies in the town while an ambulance is en-route. He stated that he was honoured to receive the award on behalf of the First Responders of Brightlingsea, who all worked together as  a team.
Earlier in the day the Mayor of Sandwich, Paul Graeme MBE attended a reception in St James’ Church hosted by Brightlingsea Mayor Jayne Chapman after distributing sweets to pupils from Brightlingsea Infant School .
Following the reception, the dignitaries, Assistants and Freemen processed through the town to the Yacht Club, accompanied by musicians in traditional costume. After lunch, there was a visit to Brightlingsea Museum, followed by a buffet in the Yacht Club, attended by members of the Cinque Port Liberty and the Gild of Freemen.
Illustrating First Responder Steve's outstanding service recognised by the Deputy on Brightlingsea Info Illustrating First Responder Steve's outstanding service recognised by the Deputy on Brightlingsea Info

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