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Brightlingsea Lido appoints writer in residence

Brightlingsea Lido writer in residence
Ruth Loten – hosting writing workshop

Brightlingsea Lido and the Café Lido have appointed a writer in residence – perhaps the first ever in the town.

Ruth Loten, who’s lived in the town for six years, has taken on the task of contributing to the life of the outdoor attraction and will look to help aspiring writers and poets as well as pursuing her own writing projects.

The Lido – which is run by the community – expects that Ruth’s role will evolve over time. She’ll be available in the café on a regular basis to discuss writing projects and offer tips on writing skills and it’s hoped that there will be opportunities for talks, workshops, or readings, and blogging on the progress of the residency. In addition, Ruth will be able to help and support the Lido team with publicity materials, creative activities, and support material for future funding bids.

Following university, Ruth worked full time as a teacher. She subsequently studied for an MA in Creative Writing with the Open University and in December last year she graduated with a merit. Since then, she has had several novels published and has also worked on the online magazine, Makarelle.

Ruth is also a member of a creative writing group in Brightlingsea which is holding a Meet the Authors event in the Railway Tavern on November 16. See our event listing for more information.

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