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Town council bullying allegations: no action to be taken

Brightlingsea Town Council - report commissioned about its governance
David Bridle, Editor

An investigation into an allegation of bullying by a Brightlingsea town councillor has concluded that no further action needs to be taken.

Sue Walsh resigned as a Brightlingsea councillor in December 2023 over concerns about the council’s financial management and claims that she was bullied by another – un-named at the time – councillor.

Subsequently, Mrs Walsh made a formal complaint to Tendring District Council (TDC), which has responsibility for town and parish council governance in the area. She said the councillor had contravened the council’s code of conduct for members and failed to treat her with respect.

At last week’s meeting (April 18) of the town council, Mrs Walsh – speaking from the public gallery – said the councillor she had complained about was Graham Steady, who is also a Tendring district councillor for Brightlingsea.

“My complaint against Councillor Steady has now concluded with no further action required,” she said.”I have spoken to the TDC monitoring officer and am now satisfied with the outcome.”

The complaints procedure gave both parties the opportunity to state their case to Lisa Hastings, the monitoring officer and TDC’s deputy chief executive. The BTC town clerk was also questioned in order to clarify certain details raised in the complaint.

Brightlingsea Info has seen a summary of the monitoring officer’s report which says that BTC should undertake further training on Members’ Code of Conduct.

The report also says that a review of the responses to a 2022 report into the council – which found a “toxic” working atmosphere and a “high level of animosity” between some councillors – should be revisited.

The monitoring officer said that minutes of a meeting in January 2024 confirmed “that several members felt uncomfortable with behaviours exhibited by several councillors, and a number of recommendations had not been progressed”.

During public questions at the council meeting, Mrs Walsh asked councillors: “Have you now looked at all recommendations and discussed them and what are your plans to implement and communicate this to all councillors and residents?”

Responding, councillors said that they had held a meeting to discuss the recommendations, though admitted that it was held without the town clerk present and without formal minutes being taken.

• Cllr Steady was not present at the full council meeting on the 18th. The report says that he has apologised to Mrs Walsh, and that the apology has been acknowledged.

Responding to a request for a statement, Cllr Steady told Brightlingsea Info: “My opinion is although I may not agree with what people say I will defend their right to say it, based on the understanding that a response is able to be given has as happened in this case. I believe this is part of the natural justice process.”

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