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Community News & Events

Still time to nominate the best of Tendring youth for an award

2023 Tendring Youth Award winners (pic Steven Brading)

The 2024 Tendring Youth Awards – which recognise the accomplishments of young people across the district – are still open for nominations.

The deadline for nominations for the eighth awards ceremony is April 21, ahead of the gala awards evening taking place in July.

Newly introduced for 2024 is a Young Life Saver Award, to recognise young people who have either directly saved a life, or who have taught and shared skills to train others to do so.

This joins the existing ten categories such as Community Improvement and Environmental Initiative – both of which come with a bursary for the winner – and the Unsung Hero award for adults who support young people.

Individuals or groups of young people, such as youth organisations, can be nominated; while the various categories recognise academic achievement, inspirational caring, work in the community and efforts to help the environment, among others.

Karen O’Connor, Chairwoman of the Tendring Youth Awards, said: “We have already received some fantastic entries; but we’re sure there are more amazing young people out there worthy of consideration too.”

She added: “These awards are a fantastic way to recognise young people’s achievements, whether they have done something brilliant or simply go the extra mile in everyday life. So don’t delay, and put in your nomination now!”

To nominate someone for a Tendring Youth Award, complete an online nomination form at https://www.tendringdc.gov.uk/tendring-youth-awards or request a form and submit it via [email protected] – alternatively forms can be filled out and returned by post to Tendring Youth Awards (Nominations), Town Hall, Clacton, CO15 1SE.

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