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Reckless jetskiers face prison following law change

jet ski

Jetskiers and other boaters found guilty of using their craft in a dangerous manner could be sent to prison for up to two years and face unlimited fines when new legislation comes into force at the end of March this year.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency has been granted more powers to prosecute perpetrators of accidents. The new rules mean that jetskis will be bound by the same laws that apply to ships in order to help to prevent accidents.

The new laws follow what the government says has been a boom in the watercraft industry during the pandemic, with the number, size, power and availability of watercraft increasing, and their use in UK waters rising significantly.

There have been numerous reports of speeding in the waters around Brightlingsea Harbour – where a four-knot speed limit is in force – and several instances of reckless and potentially life-threatening behaviour.

In the summer of 2021, Brightlingsea Harbour reported that it had denied access to 42 personal water craft or jetskis, prevented five attempts of land-based anti-social behaviour and issued 22 warnings.

The problem prompted Brightlingsea Town Council and Brightlingsea Harbour to place buoys along the promenade to deter watercraft and other vessels from coming to close to swimmers.

Watercraft are not currently covered by wider maritime safety legislation. For those who cause accidents involving loss of life, the new offences could be used to better prosecute perpetrators alongside wider manslaughter charges.

Personal and recreational watercraft will also be bound by the ‘Highway Code of the sea’ – international regulations which require users to act safely by maintaining a lookout, driving at safe speeds and outlining their responsibilities to other vessels.

Maritime Minister, Baroness Vere said: “The watercraft industry is thriving and it’s great to see more and more people enjoying leisure activities. However, they must do so safely.

?”That’s why we’re introducing a new law to crack down on any dangerous misuse of watercraft like jet skis. It will give the Maritime and Coastguard Agency greater power to prosecute those responsible for causing accidents or entirely avoidable tragedies.”

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