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No-stopping plan for Brightlingsea Waterside branded “disaster” for businesses

Waterside - red 'no stopping' lines proposed

UPDATED: Following publication of this story – and since the town council’s March meeting – we understand that the proposal as detailed above will not be going ahead. We also understand that there is to be a meeting to discuss issues at the Waterside junction between the NEPP and local council representatives.

It’s been claimed that reducing the number of on-street parking spaces around Brightlingsea Waterside could be “a disaster” for businesses after a plan to install red ‘no stopping at any time’ lines was revealed.

The proposal from the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) covers the junction by the Waterside fish and chip shop. The NEPP says the restrictions are “required to enhance the lines of sight and always promote unhindered larger vehicle access to the boat launching slipway. Restrictions will serve to promote safety for all highway users by removing parked vehicles and improving the lines of sight.”

According to the minutes of Brightlingsea Town Council’s March meeting, Councillor Ric Morgan said the lines would be “a disaster for the businesses around the area” – which include the chip shop, the Yachtsman’s Arms, and the Seaside Corner convenience store. Town mayor Jayne Chapman said the council had previously fought to have the length of time parking was allowed in the area increased from one hour to two.

Stating it did not agree with the proposals, the council said that it had not been consulted – though the minutes report a post-meeting response from the NEPP stating that town councillor Mick Judson – who held the responsibility for roads at the time – had attended a site meeting to discuss the red line issue at the Waterside in October 2021.

The NEPP is a partnership to manage street parking between Essex County Council and six district authorities, including Tendring. Consultation on the red lines closed at the beginning of April. Brightlingsea Info has asked Brightlingsea Town Council and the NEPP if the proposal is to go ahead and, if so, when, but neither had responded at the time of publication.

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